
For almost all esthetic skin problems the solution is laser therapy. For many medical skin problems, the laser offers many alternatives. Our long expertise in this field makes us an expert. Ask for an appointment for a consultation. It might be necessary to have a trial laser appointment, to establish your individual needs. You can combine both appointments.
Please find below the list of lasers which are available in our practice:
Erbium: Yag-Laser from Asclepion ® (MCL 30 Dermablate and MicroSpot fractional) for the fractional and ablative treatment of the precancer (actinic keratosis, field cancerization), scar tissue (after surgery, traumata, acne scars), wrinkles, skin rejuvenation, removal of warts and many other lesions.
Quattro Star pro yellow is a pumped semiconductor laser (wavelength 577 nm) from Asclepion ® for the removal of skin lesions like telangiectasises (fine blood vessels), angioma (bloodsponges), fire mark (storck bite), diffuse redness of the face and fine blood vessels from rosacea. Further it can be used for the therapy of warts, sebaceous gland hyperplasia, lentigines (age spots) and other pigmented lesions.
Alexandritlaser from Candela (GentleLase Plus ®) for the removal of unwanted hair, ingrown hair, inflammation of the hair root, hidradenitis suppurativa, sinus pilonaidlis and removal of age spots and other pigmented lesions.
Our two Neodym Yag lasers built (PinPointe Footlaser® by Cynosure and Genesis® by Cutera) for the therapy of nail fungus.