Skin cancer screening
White skin cancer (actinic keratosis, spinocellular carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma) and black skin cancer (melanoma) are on the rise worldwide. That is why our focus is the diagnosis and therapy of skin cancer precursors and skin cancer.
Skin cancer prevention is the opportunity for us dermatologists to recognize in time and treat it. We patiently and carefully look at your entire skin, including the scalp and mucous membranes. The skin is routinely assessed using a dermatoscope (a magnifying glass with up to x magnification) and digital video dermatoscopy (FotoFinder® up to 60x magnification) which also includes personal risk profile and individual preventive measures. The images can be used to detect minor changes over time so that they can be removed. This avoids unnecessary surgical interventions.
We also use the modern technology of confocal laser scanning microscopy for non-invasive diagnosis confirmation and reliable therapy decisions on a histological basis.
For more information, see confocal laser scanning microscopy (VivaScope ®).