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Confocal laserscan microscopy (VivaScope ®)

Confocal laser scanning microscopy (KLSM) is a revolutionary technique which, in contrast to an invasive tissue sample, enables us to assess whether a skin cancer or only a precancerous or benign change is present in the case of diagnostic uncertainties in a non-invasive manner (digital optical biopsy in real time). It is also possible to make statements regarding the potential depth of penetration. This means that unnecessary sampling and operations can be avoided. The extent of a surgical procedure can also be better planned, as the vertical and horizontal spread of a lesion can be assessed.

All skin structures are visible at the horizontal picture. The VivaScope ® is fitted with a diode laser (830 mm, meaning that the laser energy is less then 30mW with no danger to the eyes tissue) that allows to choose the level at the lesion and examine it with the help of a raster scanner.

The image shows the different reflections of the cell structure (melanin, keratin, collagen).

KLSM can image the skin at such a magnification that the individual cells can be clearly recognised!

Many studies show that ( the high sensitivity and specificity in dermatology so that most private health insurances cover the cost (AWMF-Guideline 2011).